Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Love Is In The Air

I always hear this song everytime I fall in love. And today, I'm falling in love with SORE for the third time. They always know how to please my ears, they even know how to make me happy everytime I see them and hear their music :p
Anyway, welcome back SORE!! It's really nice to know you come back after a long break. Welcome back to our heart. Welcome back to the Kampiuns' life.

I love you when you love me, 
and we're gonna make a big family

(SORE - No Fruits for Today)

2 komentar:

  1. sore skrng label nya apaan sih? bknnya aksara records yang merupakan label sore terdahulu sudah berakhir pada 2009?
