Senin, 25 November 2013

The Scariest Thing

Just realized that a week later is already December. It means, two months to go to my birthday. I'll turn 21. Not a good number. I feel like forever 18, but reality ruins everything. I always ask myself. What have I done? I never published a book, I can't cook without recipe, I hate cockroach, I waste so much time and my English is not good.

That question leads me to fear. A big fear. And also to ton of another questions. Will I have a happy life? Will I have a good husband? How about my children? How about my career? Can I reach my dreams? When will I die?

Man, it's scary.

Anyway, yesterday I asked my sister to make a Totoro birthday cake for me, and it will look like this:

It's cute, isn't it? ;)

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